DVS 2013 (1)

Daniel von Sturmer at Ten Cubed

DVS 2013 (2)

Daniel von Sturmer at Ten Cubed

DVS 2013 (3)

Daniel von Sturmer at Ten Cubed

Daniel von Sturmer

19 June – 20 August 2013


Daniel von Sturmer’s work involves various media to explore the nature of perception, particularly how context and framing shape the meaning and experience of an artwork. In his videos and photographs the frame of the lens becomes an analogue for the frame of perception and points to the limits of the visual language we rely upon to understand and define the world. Daniel von Sturmer is represented by Anna Schwartz Gallery. Image: Daniel von Sturmer Production Still, The Cinema Complex (Sequence 1) 4, 2011


Artist Profile
Daniel von Sturmer
Representing Gallery